Ethos & Values

Giving our best, 2 (1).png

Together we will:

  • Work in partnership with families and the wider community.

  • Develop our individual characters through the six areas of our owl awards - mutual respect, community involvement, resilience, independence, responsibility and confidence.

  • Promote positive attitudes and understanding of healthy lifestyles and learn how to eat well, move more and live longer.

  • Help to create a happy school in which we all feel secure.

  • Understand we all have a place within local and global communities.

  • Value the importance of using new technologies to support our lifelong learning.

Let's Connect!
New Brighton Primary School Vaughan Road New Brighton Wirral CH45 1LH


Headteacher Daniel Armer
Deputy Headteacher John Jones
SENDCo / Assistant Headteacher Kate Elsender
Pastoral & Safeguarding Lead Claire Evans
Business Manager Jill Eastwood
Attendance Officer Bryony Bell

Should you require a paper request for any of the information on this website, please contact the school office. They will be more than happy to assist you

School Games Gold badge Healthy Schools Logo OFSTED Logo 2 Simple Pioneer school CEOP logo IQM Inclusive School Award